Have you received a recommendation to use a formula thickener to alleviate reflux symptoms?
Nothing is worse than seeing one of your children in pain or discomfort, especially a baby or toddler.
If your child has reflux, chances are you’re on the lookout for a solution or product to provide relief.
This article explains what a formula thickener is and how Supercol’s all-natural thickening agent may help alleviate reflux symptoms.
But first, what is formula thickener?
What is formula thickener?
Formula thickener can be found in powder form that can be mixed with infant formula or breastmilk, to provide a thicker consistency.
It is commonly used for infants who have trouble swallowing or are experiencing reflux issues. This simple, yet effective solution helps to reduce the chances of regurgitation and improve overall feeding experiences.
What is reflux?
The Mayo Clinic explains that acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (or GER), is when stomach acid travels in reverse into the oesophagus, resulting in a burning feeling in the chest commonly referred to as heartburn.
How to treat reflux
In cases of reflux or gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) in infants, the Royal Children’s Hospital suggests that if the symptoms are causing difficulties, treatment options may include feeding your baby thickened fluids.
Thicken formula for reflux
What is one of the best ways to thicken formula for reflux?
While several products are available on the market, opting for a natural solution like Supercol, could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.
Supercol provides effective formula thickening, without any harmful additives or chemicals.
Is thickener safe for babies?
When it comes to choosing baby products, safety is always the top priority.
Supercol offers a safe thickener option for babies. Supercol Food & Liquid Thickener stands out with its 100% natural composition that excludes sugar and gluten.
Moreover, it contains no additives or preservatives while providing essential daily fibre and potassium intake. Additionally, it has incredibly low levels of saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium content.
Supercol has a 5-star health rating and has been trusted by Australian families since 1992.
Read here for more reasons why mums love Supercol.
Liquid thickener chemist
While you can buy some thickeners at chemists, Supercol is available online, making it super convenient to purchase 24/7.
Supercol’s online availability saves time and allows you to explore different options and variations.
With just a few clicks, you can compare prices, read reviews from other users, and discover new ways to use liquid thickeners in your everyday life.
We understand that taking a baby with reflux to a store or chemist is far from ideal. That is why we offer express shipping straight to your door.
About Supercol
Supercol is 100% natural. Our food-grade guar gum comes in powder form and is easy to mix with infant formula or breast milk.
Vegan, Dairy and gluten-free, Supercol does not present any concerns for those who have allergens.
From a quality assurance perspective, Supercol Australia works in partnership with accredited suppliers, to ensure that only the finest quality guar gum is used in our thickener. We also hold an ISO and Food Safety System Certification 22000 (FSSC 22000).
Formula thickener: How Supercol can help treat baby reflux
Nothing is more distressing than witnessing your child upset or suffering discomfort, particularly in infants and toddlers.
Our blog looked closer at what reflux is and how, when adding Supercol to thicken formula, this can alleviate or reduce chronic symptoms.
Additionally, we explored the safety measures and advantages of Supercol, ranging from its all-natural composition, to the convenience of express doorstep delivery, thanks to our online ordering system.
To discover the remarkable benefits that Supercol can offer your precious bundle of joy, take a moment to visit our website or reach out to us for further assistance.